Then on top of all of the crap He had been through, the ridicule, the brutal beating and torture, the mockery, before His very last breath He asked God to FORGIVE THEM. Woah. I mean seriously. Think how upset we get when someone cuts us off on the road or does something to us that we feel is wrong and multiply that by some infinite number that I cannot come up with to compare what Jesus had to face.
We don't have to receive offense...when someone offends us it's our choice to spit it out, or swallow it and allow it to breed bitterness within us.
That was huge for me. And it really went down into the deep places. So as encouragement to all readers out there: you have a choice to become offended when someone wrongs you. Spit it out, or swallow it.
I still have MUCh to learn and walk out in terms of forgiveness, but this changed my whole outlook regarding the situation.

I had to fly some things to God and just let go. (real simple small things-but important to Him nonetheless) I don't want anything in the way of getting closer to YOU.
1 comment:
Having struggled with this very issue myself, God has continued to give me PLENTY opportunity to exercise my right to choose how I respond to those that offend me, with love or with hate. And unforgiveness ultimately leads to hate which leads to murder. They are mere stepping stones to one another.
Your blog reminds me of the movie David, which is a 3-hr movie talking about his life from a shepherd boy to the king of Israel. When it came to the problem with Absalom, I realized that there was a 2-fold problem with this young man's failure to forgive. (1) He could not forgive Amnon for raping his sister and had him murdered, and (2) when his father David did not punish Amnon for the crime, Absalom determined in his heart that he would usurp his father's authority...but that is a dangerous thing, and such motives never I'm sure you know - he ultimately was killed.
Unforgiveness is merely a seed that sprouts into a dangerous plant with some nasty fruit.
God bless!
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