2 I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing."
It's true. We could have the world and all that comes with it..but without God in the mix what fufillment is actually there? He is the heartbeat that throbs and pulses through our viens. He is the joy that bubbles up from our bellies and flows our of our mouths in contagious laughter. He is the One who whets my appetite. Away from Him...apart from Him everything is just lacking.
I've been going through some things the past month and a half. I have a lot of obligations, preparations riding on my shoulders from now until December. I started to become lost in my thoughts and found myself becoming overwhelemed and quite stressed out. These things are supposed to be exciting and fun (ex: school starting back (new kids, new lesson plans, etc---ART SHOW in October, needing to find a house before December) but I found myself not looking forward to them AT ALL!. I didn't know how I was going to do this..or how I was going to do that...Until I wanted to scream.
For whatever reason I had gotten caught up in the hecticness of everthing and had forgotten to check in with God and seek out His counsel..His help..His peace/guidance/love, etc. One day I was getting ready and I stopped to look in the mirror. As I was standing there the Lord pretty much said "Jennie, STOP, slow down, let me inside of this mess you've made of what needs to be done...Let me give you creative tactics, ideas, and insight. Let me help you and there will be no other explanation other than..IT WAS GOD".
I crumbled into His arms with the healing balm of revelation and just let Him take all my stress, worries, fears, and anything in association with the weight I had been carrying. Then I was reminded of David the psalmist with his statement in Psalm 16:2 and I felt the depth of that scripture.
Apart from you I have no good thing.
Some of the most exciting and best things are about to start taking place in some of our lives...
but we cannot get caught up and forget to involve God. We cannot become so busy and self absorbed that we become forgetful...
He is the vine
we are the branches
we cannot be separated
He must be the centerpiece.

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