
Monday, March 2, 2009

as posted on tumblr

Mar 1, 2009
Yesterday I had to go to the urgency care unit because during David’s benefit concert I got very dizzy and keep falling towards the right when I walked. At one point the room started spinning and I thought I was going to fall over and pass out.

Mom thought I needed to be seen since after I ate some food and drank I still was dizzy when I had sudden jerky movements. Come to find out my Eustachian Tubes are off balance. My nose is inflammed and the left side of my ET has blockage which causes me to be dizzy and off balance. He came me some awesome steroid nose spay and some other medicine.

But I’m not supposed to be doing any jerky movements and should get lots of rest and lots of fluid. This is very similiar to Vertigo but the low end scale of it.

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