threw up last night 5 times
now have a fever
body aches
and my stomach still hurts
i hate being sick
i hate feeling like someone took a hammer and beat my joints
Friday, January 30, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
even the best made plans fall through
Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday observed was planned to do the following:
*finish lesson plans
*have Shannon over for birthday presents and visiting
*be creative/artistic
*pick up Valentine cards from WAlgreens
*pick up a few groceries
now plans have changed because I have to take Josiah back to the vet because he's been throwing up since last night. (he was just at the vet a few weeks ago due to blood in his stools)
I'm trying to really find the difference in worrying and being concerned. At any rate it still makes me cry because I want everything to be okay with him.
*finish lesson plans
*have Shannon over for birthday presents and visiting
*be creative/artistic
*pick up Valentine cards from WAlgreens
*pick up a few groceries
now plans have changed because I have to take Josiah back to the vet because he's been throwing up since last night. (he was just at the vet a few weeks ago due to blood in his stools)
I'm trying to really find the difference in worrying and being concerned. At any rate it still makes me cry because I want everything to be okay with him.
Friday, January 16, 2009
New addition to the family!

So Kaylee made it home Tuesdsay and is getting adjusted to her new home and brother.
She went to the vet today and they said she was beautiful and healthy. She has to keep her stitches in until next Friday which sucks because that means no jumping, running, hard core activity..and she does ALL of those things. Poor Josiah. She chases him round and round and tries to bite him. He's not a big fan as of right now but she loves him.
If anyone is looking for a doggie I suggest adopting a dog or puppy because they are the ones that need you.
Kaylee's brother is here and some other precious puppies and dogs.
Check it out
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
THe Ultimate Sustainer
So far my 21 day journey of really pressing into God has involved a range of ups, downs, highs, lows, laughter, tears but at the end of the day God is still God. And at the end of the day He sustains me despite all that tries to interfere the airwaves. (more "meatier" post at a later date)
Monday, January 5, 2009
Change of Routine

Generally after a long day of work I like to come home, fix some coffee or green tea, and sit down to check the emails/facebook/myspace, etc. Today I felt inspired to switch things up so instead I stared some laundry, put on the coffee, and went on the deck to read my Bible. Once the sun started to go down I came back inside to finish reading.
It felt good to switch things up especially since at times I am obsessive in my consistency of scheduling and routines.
Maybe God wants us to loosen our grips on our routines and switch things up a bit.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Isaiah on the front side (Chapters 1-6)
and so today's reading was make up from yesterday in Isaiah 1-6. I flipped back and forth between the MessageRemix and the KJV (gotta stay faithful to my King James). In the description of Isaiah, Peterson writes that Isaiah is the ultimate poet-prophet. His words do paint vivid colors of hope but yet do not water down the doom and destruction God spoke to him about regarding Judah and Jerusalem. He's real. Up front and center.
I read something in the study notes that stayed with me throughout my readings : HOLY, HOLY, not is the banner of a revolution.::
The following are some things I jotted down while reading:
**1:6: "wounds and bruises and running sores..untended, unwashed, unbandaged." Eeeeek Lord-this describes a portion of the Church who is hurt and still suffering from various wounds. No more band aids and quick fixes Lord. Send restorative healing and watchful care to the tending of these wounds.
**Some of the stuff is get in your face because it's taking place (commotion vs worship) "When you come before me, whoever gave you the idea of acting like this? running here and there..doing this and that..all this sheer commotion in the place provided for worship"
I want my worship to be nothing in comparable to commotion.
**"I cannot stand your trivial religous games" Whenever I read chapter one of Isaiah I feel the heaviness of acts, fronts, works, religion,....doing without the heart part.
**Chapter 3- The Zion women and what they had turned into (seeking more of themselves, ourtward apperances, things/materials rather than the spiritual welfare of the nation) is a check to self evaluate as women where our priorities are. Remove any self righteousness and over concern with dress, fashion, etc...humble us to our inner beauty and cultivate our inner spirits Lord..We will not be compared with the daughters of Zion but rather to the Esthers and Ruths.
HOLY HOLY HOLY is the Lord God Almighty.
Let your robes feel the temples Lord
Blow me bubbles of love Lord
I read something in the study notes that stayed with me throughout my readings : HOLY, HOLY, not is the banner of a revolution.::
The following are some things I jotted down while reading:
**1:6: "wounds and bruises and running sores..untended, unwashed, unbandaged." Eeeeek Lord-this describes a portion of the Church who is hurt and still suffering from various wounds. No more band aids and quick fixes Lord. Send restorative healing and watchful care to the tending of these wounds.
**Some of the stuff is get in your face because it's taking place (commotion vs worship) "When you come before me, whoever gave you the idea of acting like this? running here and there..doing this and that..all this sheer commotion in the place provided for worship"
I want my worship to be nothing in comparable to commotion.
**"I cannot stand your trivial religous games" Whenever I read chapter one of Isaiah I feel the heaviness of acts, fronts, works, religion,....doing without the heart part.
**Chapter 3- The Zion women and what they had turned into (seeking more of themselves, ourtward apperances, things/materials rather than the spiritual welfare of the nation) is a check to self evaluate as women where our priorities are. Remove any self righteousness and over concern with dress, fashion, etc...humble us to our inner beauty and cultivate our inner spirits Lord..We will not be compared with the daughters of Zion but rather to the Esthers and Ruths.
HOLY HOLY HOLY is the Lord God Almighty.
Let your robes feel the temples Lord
Blow me bubbles of love Lord

Friday, January 2, 2009
Salt and Light (Day 2 of 21)
Part of our reading was Matthew 4-5.I love this translation from the Message bible::
13"Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness?
14-16"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
13"Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness?
14-16"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
George Muller quotables
Part of our day 2 discovery was to Google George Muller (do it for yourself:))
I found a site that contained some quotes from him and I especially enjoyed reading what he wrote regarding prayer:
Go for yourself, with all your temporal and spiritual wants, to the Lord. Bring also the necessities of your friends and relatives to the Lord. Only make the trial, and you will perceive how able and willing He is to help you. Should you, however, not at once obtain answers to your prayers, be not discouraged; but continue patiently, believingly, perseveringly to wait upon God: and as assuredly as that which you ask would be for your real good, and therefore for the honour of the Lord; and as assuredly as you ask it solely on the ground of the worthiness of our Lord Jesus, so assuredly you will at last obtain the blessing. I myself have had to wait upon God concerning certain matters for years, before I obtained answers to my prayers; but at last they came. At this very time, I have still to renew my requests daily before God, respecting a certain blessing for which I have besought Him for eleven years and a half, and which I have as yet obtained only in part, but concerning which I have no doubt that the full blessing will be granted in the end...
The great point is, that we ask only for that which it would be for the glory of God to give to us; for that, and that alone, can be for our real good. But it is not enough that the thing for which we ask God be for His honour and glory, but we must
secondly ask it in the name of the Lord Jesus, viz., expect it only on the ground of His merits and worthiness.
Thirdly, we should believe that God is able and willing to give us what we ask Him for.
Fourthly, we should continue in prayer till the blessing is granted; without fixing to God a time when, or the circumstances under which, He should give the answer. Patience should be in exercise, in connection with our prayer.
Fifthly, we should, at the same time, look out for and expect an answer till it comes. If we pray in this way, we shall not only have answers, thousands of answers to our prayers; but our own souls will be greatly refreshed and invigorated in connection with these answers.
I found a site that contained some quotes from him and I especially enjoyed reading what he wrote regarding prayer:
Go for yourself, with all your temporal and spiritual wants, to the Lord. Bring also the necessities of your friends and relatives to the Lord. Only make the trial, and you will perceive how able and willing He is to help you. Should you, however, not at once obtain answers to your prayers, be not discouraged; but continue patiently, believingly, perseveringly to wait upon God: and as assuredly as that which you ask would be for your real good, and therefore for the honour of the Lord; and as assuredly as you ask it solely on the ground of the worthiness of our Lord Jesus, so assuredly you will at last obtain the blessing. I myself have had to wait upon God concerning certain matters for years, before I obtained answers to my prayers; but at last they came. At this very time, I have still to renew my requests daily before God, respecting a certain blessing for which I have besought Him for eleven years and a half, and which I have as yet obtained only in part, but concerning which I have no doubt that the full blessing will be granted in the end...
The great point is, that we ask only for that which it would be for the glory of God to give to us; for that, and that alone, can be for our real good. But it is not enough that the thing for which we ask God be for His honour and glory, but we must
secondly ask it in the name of the Lord Jesus, viz., expect it only on the ground of His merits and worthiness.
Thirdly, we should believe that God is able and willing to give us what we ask Him for.
Fourthly, we should continue in prayer till the blessing is granted; without fixing to God a time when, or the circumstances under which, He should give the answer. Patience should be in exercise, in connection with our prayer.
Fifthly, we should, at the same time, look out for and expect an answer till it comes. If we pray in this way, we shall not only have answers, thousands of answers to our prayers; but our own souls will be greatly refreshed and invigorated in connection with these answers.
Day 1 of 21 days RECAP
Since God has been dealing with me about "sharing" more and not keeping things confined to my journals, I wanted to share my journey through the 21 days of engagement. Prayerfully someone will be touched, moved, changed by something I post here.
Receive: This week we are to receive God's love before doing anything else. Scripture focus: Psl 149:4, Jer 31:3, John 3:17, Rom 8:37-39). Psalms 149:4 really stuck out to me (For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people, HE WILL BEAUTIFY THE MEEK (humble) with salvation" I felt pressed to look up some scripture in the Message bible so I looked up Jeremiah 31:3 which says: " God told them I'll NEVER quit loving you and NEVEr will. Expect love, love, and more love."
As soon as I read that translation I felt the Lord come in and blanket me with His love. God will NEVEr quit loving us. I looked up NEVEr in the dictionary and this is what I found
nev⋅er [nev-er]
not ever; at no time
not at all; absolutely not
to no extent or degree
That is certainly a scripture to hide away in your heart and after I read it the Lord spoke to me and said:
"Strip yourselves bare of all that comes against, defiles, or is NOT of my love. Replace all garments of the past year with my cloak of love. I want to swallow and drown you in my love. Allow me to lavish you in My love"
Birthday scripture: I was excited about discovering my birthday scripture and actually found a lot that really leapt out from the page
*Colossians 1:17
*Ephesians 1:17
*Romans 1:17
*Luke 1:17
Scripture reading of the day was from Luke Ch 1 and 2. I decided to go back to the Message Remix for my reading and was really ministered to...especially the prophecy of John the Baptist.
"He'll achieve great stature with God...drink neither wine nor beer, be filled with the Holy Spirit from the moment he leaves his mother's womb, he will turn many sons and daughters back to their God, he will herald God's arrival in the style and strength of Elijah, soften the hearts of parents to children, and kindle devout understanding among hardened skeptics..HE'LL GET THE PEOPLE READY FOR GOD"
I just feel very strongly that God is going to be anointing and raising up people to "prepare the way" and get a people ready for God. No longer will we sit idly in silence wallowing in our own selfish muck...
Fast: First fast of the new year started at 6 pm yesterday and will end today at 6 pm (from dusk to dusk).
Receive: This week we are to receive God's love before doing anything else. Scripture focus: Psl 149:4, Jer 31:3, John 3:17, Rom 8:37-39). Psalms 149:4 really stuck out to me (For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people, HE WILL BEAUTIFY THE MEEK (humble) with salvation" I felt pressed to look up some scripture in the Message bible so I looked up Jeremiah 31:3 which says: " God told them I'll NEVER quit loving you and NEVEr will. Expect love, love, and more love."
As soon as I read that translation I felt the Lord come in and blanket me with His love. God will NEVEr quit loving us. I looked up NEVEr in the dictionary and this is what I found
nev⋅er [nev-er]
not ever; at no time
not at all; absolutely not
to no extent or degree
That is certainly a scripture to hide away in your heart and after I read it the Lord spoke to me and said:
"Strip yourselves bare of all that comes against, defiles, or is NOT of my love. Replace all garments of the past year with my cloak of love. I want to swallow and drown you in my love. Allow me to lavish you in My love"
Birthday scripture: I was excited about discovering my birthday scripture and actually found a lot that really leapt out from the page
*Colossians 1:17
*Ephesians 1:17
*Romans 1:17
*Luke 1:17
Scripture reading of the day was from Luke Ch 1 and 2. I decided to go back to the Message Remix for my reading and was really ministered to...especially the prophecy of John the Baptist.
"He'll achieve great stature with God...drink neither wine nor beer, be filled with the Holy Spirit from the moment he leaves his mother's womb, he will turn many sons and daughters back to their God, he will herald God's arrival in the style and strength of Elijah, soften the hearts of parents to children, and kindle devout understanding among hardened skeptics..HE'LL GET THE PEOPLE READY FOR GOD"
I just feel very strongly that God is going to be anointing and raising up people to "prepare the way" and get a people ready for God. No longer will we sit idly in silence wallowing in our own selfish muck...
Fast: First fast of the new year started at 6 pm yesterday and will end today at 6 pm (from dusk to dusk).
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