One of my 2009 goals is to read through the whole Bible with this bible reading track program I found. I decided to start tonight and had some heavy reading (Sunday-Tuesday)but felt good that I started. Once I got to Tuesday's reading it was Joshua Chapters 1-5.
Chapter 3-4 is when God gives directions for crossing the Jordan and divides the Jordan river so that the Ark of the Covenant and the Israelites may pass through. Once everyone passed over safely, God instructs Joshua to take 12 men and get 12 stones to serve as a memorial for when the the Jordan river was parted.
This would serve not only as a memorial but a testimony of God so that all the people of the earth might know the hand of God. The Lord had me stop and ponder about the 12 stones and I couldn't get the word testimony out of my spirit. It just kept sticking out like a bright highlighter. The Lord then reminded me of why we experience or go through different emotions, situations, circumstances, ups, downs, trials, hardships, victories, etc......So that we may share with others our testimony of God's hand in it all...of God's goodness, His mercies, His grace, His GLORY, His LOVE and kindess.
I just felt encougaged to be mindful of the importance of our testimonies. Some day there will be someone who crosses our path that needs to hear what we've been through, what the Lord has done for us. Our hurts could be someone's healings. Our past deliverances could open the door for a person to come to know the Lord and become free from bondage. God doesn't give us stuff so that we may be selfish and keep it for ourselves. Trust me He's dealt with me about hoarding all the words/revelations He gives me. They aren't meant to sit on a shelf and collect dust.
I just felt encouraged to encourage others to not hold back if God gives you something to say to someone, or an opportunity to share something that He's done for you. YOu have 12 stones deep within your spirit. I'm not talking about literal stones, I'm talking about a touch of God's hand on your life that has changed you.
We are a living testimony. Walk it out.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
21 Days of Engagement
Our church (Morningstar Ministries in Winston Salem) will be doing a 21 Days of Engagement with The Lord. Basically this means that we will be dedicating the first 21 days of January to the Lord by going through a spirit, body, and soul engagement with Him.
There is a journal that outlines each week then breaks apart further into days and what you need to be doing/focusing on that day. As our pastor says it's more of a preferment. I'm choosing to prefer God rather than food, or the internet, etc.
I am really looking forward to this engagement period and cannot wait to see what the Lord will reveal through the first 21 days of January.
There is a journal that outlines each week then breaks apart further into days and what you need to be doing/focusing on that day. As our pastor says it's more of a preferment. I'm choosing to prefer God rather than food, or the internet, etc.
I am really looking forward to this engagement period and cannot wait to see what the Lord will reveal through the first 21 days of January.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I'm not one to admit my lacking of creative ideas.
However, this go round trying to come up with something "clever" to handmake the fiance is harder. I've done it up big in years past that now I'm running slap out of ideas.
I've drawn him a picture the Lord gave me for him when we first starting doing Christmas together
I've made him altered books, tag books, picture frames, I painted him an amazing picture on canvas last year with a poem attached to the back (I think I outdid myself last year).
Hopefully the Lord will drop something down into my Spirit because we exchange tomorrow! EEEK. If you have any ideas shoot them this way.
I cannot believe tomorrow is CHRISTmas eve. I'm still trying to accomplish my goal of reading 30 books but I bought a Francine Rivers book entitled REDEEMING LOVE (the story of Hosea) and it's like 3 to 400 pages long.
However, this go round trying to come up with something "clever" to handmake the fiance is harder. I've done it up big in years past that now I'm running slap out of ideas.
I've drawn him a picture the Lord gave me for him when we first starting doing Christmas together
I've made him altered books, tag books, picture frames, I painted him an amazing picture on canvas last year with a poem attached to the back (I think I outdid myself last year).
Hopefully the Lord will drop something down into my Spirit because we exchange tomorrow! EEEK. If you have any ideas shoot them this way.
I cannot believe tomorrow is CHRISTmas eve. I'm still trying to accomplish my goal of reading 30 books but I bought a Francine Rivers book entitled REDEEMING LOVE (the story of Hosea) and it's like 3 to 400 pages long.

Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
goals from 08
Monday, December 15, 2008
Shiloh Pepin
is my new favorite kid.
If you watched the special about her last night on TLC you know what I'm talking about.
If you watched the special about her last night on TLC you know what I'm talking about.
I'm in LOVE
..and it's one of the most beautiful things God has created. How lucky am I to be blessed with such an angel??
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wrapping presents..
Monday, December 8, 2008
I think I could write a book
.....about what NOT to do/say/think/feel when it's that 'time of the month". I think I could gather some collaborative authors to help me co write it.
i think it would sell great.
Best seller actually.
This Christmas I'd like to go find all the cool Christmas light attractions (other than dear Tanglewood) and hit them up. (including neighborhoods)
I love Christmas lights.

Off to school I go for mandatory PTA. It's the Christmas program.
i think it would sell great.
Best seller actually.
This Christmas I'd like to go find all the cool Christmas light attractions (other than dear Tanglewood) and hit them up. (including neighborhoods)
I love Christmas lights.

Off to school I go for mandatory PTA. It's the Christmas program.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Back from the internet dead
I am finally settled and moved in.
I finally have cable and internet (after going 5 days without it)
I have the Christmas tree up and David put up the lights outside.
Now all I have to do is get my shopping done.
I made a list of things I was thankful for as I sat in the new house with just the radio, Josiah, and Jesus so I decided to post it once I got a chance.
A little late
Things I am Thankful for
My mother and father and their constant love and support
Family (grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles) even though I don’t get to see them often
My relationship with Jesus Christ and how it continues to grow and deepen
God and His unconditional love and mercies that are new every morning.
The Holy Spirit and discernment and promptings
David Anthony Hawk –my future. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today or where I am in life if it wasn’t for him
My Friends: from the besties to the basics they all have played a major impact on my life and continue to do so today
Ibraham Elementary School and the kids inside room 32. They teach me a lot about life, education, love, and myself.
God’s plans and timing: and how He worked out me moving out of the apartment and into the house just as the lease ran up. Praise the Lord
Josiah because he is like my “doggie son” and keeps me company and I just LOVE him
Art –the ability to make it and enjoying it
My dad’s photography and the engagement pictures he took for David and I because it is VERY helpful for wedding planning
My future in laws because they are like my second family and help to hold me spiritually upright
THE WELL and the freedom to press into the things of God
Photography and people who are into photography
Being able to hear, see, feel, smell, touch, walk, talk, breathe, and live out my day to day walk healthy and whole
David’s creativity and thoughtfulness and how he proposed to me
My blogger and tumblr and the outlet to express my thoughts and feelings
Being delivered of past dependencies, addictions, and sinful chains and bonds.
Holidays and all breaks and related days off from schoolJ
Opportunities to sleep in late
LOVE and the ability to feel it and receive it as well as give it out to others
I finally have cable and internet (after going 5 days without it)
I have the Christmas tree up and David put up the lights outside.
Now all I have to do is get my shopping done.
I made a list of things I was thankful for as I sat in the new house with just the radio, Josiah, and Jesus so I decided to post it once I got a chance.
A little late
Things I am Thankful for
My mother and father and their constant love and support
Family (grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles) even though I don’t get to see them often
My relationship with Jesus Christ and how it continues to grow and deepen
God and His unconditional love and mercies that are new every morning.
The Holy Spirit and discernment and promptings
David Anthony Hawk –my future. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today or where I am in life if it wasn’t for him
My Friends: from the besties to the basics they all have played a major impact on my life and continue to do so today
Ibraham Elementary School and the kids inside room 32. They teach me a lot about life, education, love, and myself.
God’s plans and timing: and how He worked out me moving out of the apartment and into the house just as the lease ran up. Praise the Lord
Josiah because he is like my “doggie son” and keeps me company and I just LOVE him
Art –the ability to make it and enjoying it
My dad’s photography and the engagement pictures he took for David and I because it is VERY helpful for wedding planning
My future in laws because they are like my second family and help to hold me spiritually upright
THE WELL and the freedom to press into the things of God
Photography and people who are into photography
Being able to hear, see, feel, smell, touch, walk, talk, breathe, and live out my day to day walk healthy and whole
David’s creativity and thoughtfulness and how he proposed to me
My blogger and tumblr and the outlet to express my thoughts and feelings
Being delivered of past dependencies, addictions, and sinful chains and bonds.
Holidays and all breaks and related days off from schoolJ
Opportunities to sleep in late
LOVE and the ability to feel it and receive it as well as give it out to others
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Pathetically on the Brink

I can always tell when Aunt Flow is about to pay her "warm welcomed" (cough-sarcasim) visit because my hormones begin raging against me. This spat around I have been reclusive and kept to myself. My face has broken out in the worst fashion and everytime I try on clothes and look in the mirror, it looks like one of those fun house mirrors that makes you look short and FAT. Not to mention I am impulsive and cannot stay focused on the tasks I had earlier set up formyself to accomplish today. It's very easy to talk myself out of ANYTHING right now (including going out in public or doing laundry).
I think I'll go eat the entire bottle of Saint John's Wort now.
On a lighter note...I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. My students and I were talking about the different food items they would having at their "feast" and my mouth watered just thinking about the spread that I will be induldging in tomorrow. Hopefully David will be able to attend both my family and his family's festivities.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Instead of tripping, slipping, and crumbling beneathe the obstacles in front of us, it's time to start JUMPING over them. I was reminded of a prophetic word someone had given me a few months ago regarding this very thing. Leaping and jumping over the obstacles that try to snare us.
Figures the moment when I least feel like jumping, I am prompted and reminded to jump.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Looking through my flickr
I forgot how much I love this shot (of myself)
No but I miss my hair color here. It was last year's fun fall doooooo
This was also New Years Eve.
That night I got my first kiss by David Anthony.
last..first kiss.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
November 4th
I'm on the couch with the laptop watching MSNBC.
Today was kind of a special day.
We did not get the house.
Being bummed is an understatement.
I did my part in the election and voted, the rest is completely out of my control.
I am emotional.
That is all.
A few more hours and the next president will be determined. Oh America.
Today was kind of a special day.
We did not get the house.
Being bummed is an understatement.
I did my part in the election and voted, the rest is completely out of my control.
I am emotional.
That is all.
A few more hours and the next president will be determined. Oh America.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Nov 4th is almost here
Well only a few more days until November 4th creeps over America and blankets our country as individuals excerise their right to make a choice.
Prayer is crucial right now and I have been faced with those liberals who may laugh or condemn my reponse to certain rhyme or reasons for things. For example prayer, fasting. AS if God has no control over the election. I am unaffected at their words coated with such digust towards the other party I can stand it no more. I'm def ready for this election to be over. But I know we cannot give up praying and pressing in. Our country needs us. The land needs us. It's crying out and we have a voice.
To those that already voted I trust you followed the still small voice that prompted and nudged you (uneffected by brainwashing and the media's banters and skeptics). For those of you who will vote November 4th (as will I), remember your vote does matter. Don't throw it away.
Change of subject:
Boots (my cat) is doing MUCH MUCH better. The absess popped and the infection has been oooozing out. We've been hooking him up with some pretty expensive cat food so he's been feasting to say the least. The wound still looks pretty rough but he's on the upscale and is acting like his normal self. (praise the Lord)
While all the students get 2 more days to chill out for their fall break, us teachers have delightful days of training. I'm not thrilled but I'll take training over having to be at school.
David and I looked at a house today. I'm giving it to the Lord and trusting and relying on Him. It would be 100% amazing if it all worked out in our favor considering the price range and everything.
I'm reading in Hosea and 1 Kings. Once I finish I'll be sharing my insight/revelations.
Prayer is crucial right now and I have been faced with those liberals who may laugh or condemn my reponse to certain rhyme or reasons for things. For example prayer, fasting. AS if God has no control over the election. I am unaffected at their words coated with such digust towards the other party I can stand it no more. I'm def ready for this election to be over. But I know we cannot give up praying and pressing in. Our country needs us. The land needs us. It's crying out and we have a voice.
To those that already voted I trust you followed the still small voice that prompted and nudged you (uneffected by brainwashing and the media's banters and skeptics). For those of you who will vote November 4th (as will I), remember your vote does matter. Don't throw it away.
Change of subject:
Boots (my cat) is doing MUCH MUCH better. The absess popped and the infection has been oooozing out. We've been hooking him up with some pretty expensive cat food so he's been feasting to say the least. The wound still looks pretty rough but he's on the upscale and is acting like his normal self. (praise the Lord)
While all the students get 2 more days to chill out for their fall break, us teachers have delightful days of training. I'm not thrilled but I'll take training over having to be at school.
David and I looked at a house today. I'm giving it to the Lord and trusting and relying on Him. It would be 100% amazing if it all worked out in our favor considering the price range and everything.
I'm reading in Hosea and 1 Kings. Once I finish I'll be sharing my insight/revelations.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Pumpkin Carving and "funny feelings"
Last night David and I partook in some hard core pumpkin carving so we'd have jack-o-lanterns for the Trick or Treaters tonight. I hadn't carved a pumpkin in many many years so this was def an intense experience for me.

On another note, my Cat Boots who I've had since I was like 8 or 9 years old (I'm 26 now) isn't doing so well. Mom and I found a place on the side of his cheek yesterday that looked like an absess that had popped. Mom thinks he is slowly starting to die. The whole thing just leaves these funny feelings in my belly that make me feel sick and sad at the same time. I don't care how silly you may think I am but last night I prayed for Boots. I just don't want him to be in any pain or have to suffer. EH.
I guess I'll go work on IEP progress reports to get my mind off it all.
Happy Halloween lovies!

On another note, my Cat Boots who I've had since I was like 8 or 9 years old (I'm 26 now) isn't doing so well. Mom and I found a place on the side of his cheek yesterday that looked like an absess that had popped. Mom thinks he is slowly starting to die. The whole thing just leaves these funny feelings in my belly that make me feel sick and sad at the same time. I don't care how silly you may think I am but last night I prayed for Boots. I just don't want him to be in any pain or have to suffer. EH.
I guess I'll go work on IEP progress reports to get my mind off it all.
Happy Halloween lovies!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
new tumblr
New blog/tumblr that is for me and David and our journey through engagement and eventually marriage.
You should check it out:)
You should check it out:)
feeling productive!
Today was a great start to Fall Break.
I woke up early (not that I wanted to) to meet David so we could go check out a church/family life center as a possible wedding venue. Parts of it I was like "yeah God this is what's up" others I was like "God you gotta work ALL of the small details out as well." We prayed before we went so I'm trusting God is going to help us out.
I wrote out my 30 day prior notice to my apartment letting them know once my lease is up in December I will not be renewing. Gotta get out of the apartment life period. It's like a vaccuum you get sucked into and getting out is a lot harder than you would think. Still waiting on the next steps to be fine tuned but again I'm trusting God with that as well.
I called PEAK fitness to find out what I needed to do to cancel my membership. They directed me to ABC financial and hopefully the ball will get rolling and that junk will process and be DONE in 30 days.
I also called FITNESS 2000 to inquire about their membership prices (it will be closer to where I am moving and David has a membership there) I need motivation and accountability and David and his whole family go there. I go Saturday to set something up.
I went to visit all my CMCC daycare babies and take pictures for mom of the Halloween parade. They were all precious.
I love feeling productive and accomplished. It's hard to get things done during the school day (make phone calls, inquire, etc). AND My apartment is clean (thanks to my motivation last night).
I think I'll go treat myself to a nice nap now:)
I woke up early (not that I wanted to) to meet David so we could go check out a church/family life center as a possible wedding venue. Parts of it I was like "yeah God this is what's up" others I was like "God you gotta work ALL of the small details out as well." We prayed before we went so I'm trusting God is going to help us out.
I wrote out my 30 day prior notice to my apartment letting them know once my lease is up in December I will not be renewing. Gotta get out of the apartment life period. It's like a vaccuum you get sucked into and getting out is a lot harder than you would think. Still waiting on the next steps to be fine tuned but again I'm trusting God with that as well.
I called PEAK fitness to find out what I needed to do to cancel my membership. They directed me to ABC financial and hopefully the ball will get rolling and that junk will process and be DONE in 30 days.
I also called FITNESS 2000 to inquire about their membership prices (it will be closer to where I am moving and David has a membership there) I need motivation and accountability and David and his whole family go there. I go Saturday to set something up.
I went to visit all my CMCC daycare babies and take pictures for mom of the Halloween parade. They were all precious.
I love feeling productive and accomplished. It's hard to get things done during the school day (make phone calls, inquire, etc). AND My apartment is clean (thanks to my motivation last night).
I think I'll go treat myself to a nice nap now:)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Art Show plus Stone Mountain trip
Monday, October 20, 2008
The View from Up here..

Today I spent 6 hours on the 19th floor of the BB&T building downtown in the Piedmont club for a training. Upon entering the elevator I immediately felt like the minority. I was surrounded by mostly tall men (there was one woman) dressed up in business suits looking very professional and banker like. I was slinking in the back feeling very teacher'ish and out of place. The first thing I did when I got off the elevator to the 19th floor was gravitate towards the windows which gave me the entire view of Winston Salem. My initial thought was woah I'm up real high...and my second thought was this is so gorgeous.
Throughout the workshop as my ADHD kicked in and I found myself gazing outside the window trying to look for Clemmons, the Lord began to speak to me. I began to think of all the people in the various buildings, streets, businesses, schools, shopping centers that surrounded me. I couldn't help but wonder how their day was going and if they were feeling God's love. From where I was positioned I could see parts of Winston Salem that I normally wouldn't be able to see from the ground level. I had a different perspective. And I was reminded that God's perspective and ways are higher than mine, and that He can see the BIG picture..He sees things that I cannot see because my view is limited.
Isaiah 55:9 (New International Version)
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Which gives me all the reason to throw myself at His feet and trust Him. I feel the Lord wants us to be encouraged and reminded that His plans and purposes for our lives are to give us HOPE and a FUTURE. He can see the larger it's time we start trusting Him with areas of our lives that we may be struggling with. God sees our wants and needs. He is very well aware. He has not forgotten about you, your family, your job, your relationships, etc.
I also felt God saying it's time we start to get a Godly perspective on some things/areas instead of letting the world influence our perspective. I feel this is especially true with Election day coming up in November.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Green notebook
I keep forgetting to bring my green notebook in from the car. My green notebook is where I scribble and write teachings, words, visions from the Lord during The Well. There are many things the Lord has given me that I've wanted to post..but just keep forgetting. He gently reminded me while I grabbed a cup of green tea to open it up and share something on here.
Vision I saw during prayer:

During prayer I saw a building made out of glass. Behind the glass were people of all ages (men, women, children, teenagers, young adults). Many of us were across the way basking in the presence of the Lord..praising, worshipping, dancing, singing...Joy was all around us but yet here were these people contained in this glass building. They watched from behind the glass and their eyes told stories of being trapped but wanting to come out an dplay with the Lord. I saw some faces that I recognized. As I danced and played with the Lord I started praying. "Lord why won't they come out here? Why do they remain restrained and closed up from what's in front of them? They can see us Lord but why can't they get to us?"
I then asked "is this the church Lord?" and He said "No, look beside you and all around you, that is the church." So I asked again reforming the questions "So what is that building for Lord? What keeps them behind the glass looking but ONLY looking?"
..."That is religion, false teachings, the deception and lies, the poison, the resistor."
I decided to take a step or two closer. The closer I got I saw it was not a building at all but rather a single sheet of glass. There were no other walls around it. All they had to do was turn and walk around it.
Turn aside from this man made religion and walk towards the Hope of Glory.
Vision I saw during prayer:

During prayer I saw a building made out of glass. Behind the glass were people of all ages (men, women, children, teenagers, young adults). Many of us were across the way basking in the presence of the Lord..praising, worshipping, dancing, singing...Joy was all around us but yet here were these people contained in this glass building. They watched from behind the glass and their eyes told stories of being trapped but wanting to come out an dplay with the Lord. I saw some faces that I recognized. As I danced and played with the Lord I started praying. "Lord why won't they come out here? Why do they remain restrained and closed up from what's in front of them? They can see us Lord but why can't they get to us?"
I then asked "is this the church Lord?" and He said "No, look beside you and all around you, that is the church." So I asked again reforming the questions "So what is that building for Lord? What keeps them behind the glass looking but ONLY looking?"
..."That is religion, false teachings, the deception and lies, the poison, the resistor."
I decided to take a step or two closer. The closer I got I saw it was not a building at all but rather a single sheet of glass. There were no other walls around it. All they had to do was turn and walk around it.
Turn aside from this man made religion and walk towards the Hope of Glory.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Dixie Classic Fair excitement...
Wednesday it's on and popp'n.
My students and I are going that morning for Special Education day. Some of them got ribbons for their art:)
David and I are going to the FAIR that night!!! yeeeeeeeeee
2marro night=David and I sitting down to talk wedding stuff.
Oh and I promise I'll get a proposal post soon with details.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
House of Prayer
"Is it not written..My house shall be called a house of prayer for ALL nations? " (Mark 11:17)
Last night the Lord truely swept in with an overwhelming press to Pray at the Well. NOt saying that we haven't been praying prior to that moment, but something in the atmosphere was different. God was giving us the keys to unlock His heart and see what exactly He had for the evening. And so each of us began to flow and this procession of prayers continued for hours. One person would get up and pray something out, then another immediately would pick up where they left off and our prayers were penetrating the heavens last night.
I praised God for the flow for with all that is going on around us, we needed to feel Him in that way last night. At least I know that I did.
I truely believe in my heart that God is raising us back up into our posture of intercession. As the economy falls apart around us, and morality of this Nation is testing and tried, God is looking to us..the Bride to step in and do something. I read in James Goll's book : The Lost ARt of Intercession: that God quits when man quits. I don't know about any of you but I will NOT QUIT. We cannot quit. Too many things are taking place around us that demand our attention and our energy.
I dont' know if anyone else has seen the video that Lou Engle sent out (my friend Suzanne has it posted on her blogger..Go here:
But since then Lord put it strongly on my heart to pray for the state of Massachutes (woah spelling), and same sex marriages, and the fate/direction of California. This is serious business. The Father's business.
So I request that you will be in prayer with me. For our Nation, for our economy, for the elections, for the morality and state of our country,
Last night the Lord truely swept in with an overwhelming press to Pray at the Well. NOt saying that we haven't been praying prior to that moment, but something in the atmosphere was different. God was giving us the keys to unlock His heart and see what exactly He had for the evening. And so each of us began to flow and this procession of prayers continued for hours. One person would get up and pray something out, then another immediately would pick up where they left off and our prayers were penetrating the heavens last night.
I praised God for the flow for with all that is going on around us, we needed to feel Him in that way last night. At least I know that I did.
I truely believe in my heart that God is raising us back up into our posture of intercession. As the economy falls apart around us, and morality of this Nation is testing and tried, God is looking to us..the Bride to step in and do something. I read in James Goll's book : The Lost ARt of Intercession: that God quits when man quits. I don't know about any of you but I will NOT QUIT. We cannot quit. Too many things are taking place around us that demand our attention and our energy.
I dont' know if anyone else has seen the video that Lou Engle sent out (my friend Suzanne has it posted on her blogger..Go here:
But since then Lord put it strongly on my heart to pray for the state of Massachutes (woah spelling), and same sex marriages, and the fate/direction of California. This is serious business. The Father's business.
So I request that you will be in prayer with me. For our Nation, for our economy, for the elections, for the morality and state of our country,

Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Stuck here
Saturday, September 27, 2008
No room for negativity
So I have been sitting here trying to work on Art Show related things and not think about how bad my body is feeling. My neighbors who I loved so very much have been gone since the first of September. Since then I haven't had anyone moving around upstairs as the apartment above mine has been vacant..quiet..undisturbed. Until now. I heard people upstairs walking around then I heard boxes drop to the floor, bangs, and other loud movements. My first reaction was not exactly the most positive. I thought Oh neighbors, I hope they aren't loud and don't stay up late..."they probably won't be as cool as Gary and Jimmy were"...and other retarded thoughts. Before these negative thoughts proceeded the Lord spoke to me and pretty much said, "Jennie STOP." Wow. Talk about a shaking in your bones. Then He said "Be a reflection of Me, show them the LOVE OF CHRIST."
I was quickly reminded of the opportunities we have in our lives to shine as represent Christ. And it all starts with the really small details in our our thoughts, our attitudes, our mindsets, our quick to make judgements,..and so on and so forth. "
So Lord, forgive me for being so quick to think negative thoughts. Help me to see the potential and opportunity in ALL situations to shine as a light for YOU and show the love of God to all people...even new neighbors, even those who do us wrong, even those who persecute us..."
God is constantly speaking to us through our situations and circumstances, He even breaks into our thoughts. I want to be quicker to listen.
Random Afterthoughts...
Still pretty much exstatic for this

I want a room for prayer. and worship.
where I can just write all over it and draw and paint all over it

Oh and prayer warriors/intercessors
Pray for the Economy
The Elections
and our Nation.
I was quickly reminded of the opportunities we have in our lives to shine as represent Christ. And it all starts with the really small details in our our thoughts, our attitudes, our mindsets, our quick to make judgements,..and so on and so forth. "
So Lord, forgive me for being so quick to think negative thoughts. Help me to see the potential and opportunity in ALL situations to shine as a light for YOU and show the love of God to all people...even new neighbors, even those who do us wrong, even those who persecute us..."
God is constantly speaking to us through our situations and circumstances, He even breaks into our thoughts. I want to be quicker to listen.
Random Afterthoughts...
Still pretty much exstatic for this

I want a room for prayer. and worship.
where I can just write all over it and draw and paint all over it

Oh and prayer warriors/intercessors
Pray for the Economy
The Elections
and our Nation.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
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